Touch the Soil News #1956 (Photo – Farm Vegetables – Public Domain, USDA)
Making news recently is the April Joy Farm, which recently received the “Organic Farmer of the Year” award for 2022. Presenting this honor was the Organic Trade Association. Quoting from the Organic Trade Association announcement, this is a snapshot of the April Joy Farm:
“The Organic Farmer of the Year Leadership Award honors individuals who have made significant contributions to support and advance organic agriculture and trade at the farm level. Receiving that honor this year is April Jones Thatcher, owner of April Joy Farm in Washington state. April Joy Farm is a direct to market certified organic farm growing more than 200 varieties of vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs on its richly bountiful 24 acres, alongside a grazing group of goats and donkeys devoted to the restoration of soils and a 70-bird flock of Animal Welfare Approved certified poultry”.
You can read the full story here: https://ota.com/news/press-releases/22718?utm_source=press-release&utm_medium=meltwater&utm_campaign=organic-week
You can also visit the farm’s Website which contains more information about this innovative approach to CSA farming. https://www.apriljoyfarm.com/our-farm