Will Volkswagen’s Reaction to Tesla Bring a Quicker End to Oil?

Positive Future #733 (Feature photo – Volkswagen All-Electric ID3 –  CCA SA 4.0 International, Alexander Migl) CleanTechnica journalist Steve Hanley brings us some behind the scenes insights worthy of note. While oil companies flounder with prices that cause alarm, Volkswagen just made a powerful announcement. Volkswagen now says it will have over 75 all electric…

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Large Bank – “Its Over for Oil”

Positive Future #540 (Feature photo – Headquarters of BNP Parabas – Public Domain) CleanTechnica journalist Steve Hanley brings us news about a special report prepared by BNP Paribas, the 8th largest bank in the world headquartered in France. PNB Parabas believes that the economics of oil for gasoline and diesel vehicles are in an irreversible…

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