Touch the Soil News #2051 (photo – Jakarta – CCA 3.0 Unported, Romli mohamad)
The People’s Network News brings and interesting story about food and people living in the city of Jakarta, Indonesia. Jakarta is at the heart of a metro area of almost 35 million people. They are embracing the Ramadan special time. The city is also using this time to spotlight urban farming to bolster food security in the face of limited land availability. The goal is to promote growing fruits and vegetables. The government has given out 4.3 million seedlings targeting 625 green alley spots throughout the city involving almost 20 thousand residents. While this effort in the face of 34 million people is modest, it is the idea because the size of this effort is large in comparison to what has been done in the past.
We take it for granted that we will have stocked grocery stores and the means to purchase foods for our holidays. However, are some of the mega cities and rural areas in America in need of re-inventing the food chain in its most simple expression – urban gardening?
You can read the full story here: