Touch the Soil News #1904 (Feature Photo – Farmland – Public Domain, USDA)
The USDA puts out a report every year called Farms and Land in Farms. The peak farmland year was in 1954 when there was more than 1.2 billion acres of land in farms. The U.S. Population in 1954 was 158.2 million people. So, in 1954 there was 7.7 acres of land in farms for every person in America. Fast forward to year end 2022. Land in farms had dropped to 893.4 million acres and population increased to 333.3 million people. This means that in 2022 there was only 2.7 acres of land in farms for every person in America.
Bringing it all into closer perspective, from 2021 to 2022, America had 1.9 million acres less of land in farms. That equates to a decrease of land in farms at a rate of 5,200 acres a day.
A Kelp4Less Message:
The bottom line of this story is that productivity, product quality, and soil regeneration is the answer to land if farms decline. Call us to create solutions for you.