
Liquid Kelp Extract

(4 customer reviews)


Kelp contains over 75 vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. Stimulates vigorous root development and plant growth. Increases plant tolerance to stress, frost, pests, disease and drought. Great for all stages of grow and bloom. Kelp works so well it’s why we built our entire business around it.

Not Avail in California


Product form:

Liquid Concentrate

NPK analysis:


Well suited for:

Hydroponics, soil and soil-less.

Primary function/use:

Fertilizer. Accelerates growth, increases flowering and fruiting, intensifies color. Builds resistance to disease, insects, drought and frost.

Product highlights:

Contains naturally occurring plant hormones and provides a balance of major and minor nutrients, enzymes, amino acids, humic acids and other organic substances. Over 80 identified elements in all.

Product Comparison Results:

Plant Growth

With Kelp

Fruit and Flower Set

With Kelp

Product designation:

Natural (This product is a candidate for organic certification. To ensure the lowest price, Kelp4Less has chosen not to register this product.)

When and where to use:

All stages of plant development. Use Kelp to improve specific growth states. For example, to promote buds, apply kelp when plants are beginning to bud.

Use to extend shelf life of fruits and vegetables by spraying 10 days before harvest. To lengthen life of cut flowers, spray 1 to 2 days before cutting. For maximum effectiveness, apply every 4 to 7 days.

A foliar application is the most efficient and effective method. Kelp extracts are 8 to 20 times more effective when applied to the leaves then when broadcast on the soil.

For rooting and transplanting:

Mix 1/2 oz. with one (1) gallon of water. Dip roots, transplants and clones in solution before planting.

For seedlings:

Mix 1/4 oz. with one (1) gallon of water. For seeds, soak in solution for 30 seconds.

For hydroponics:

Mix 1/4 oz. with one (1) gallon of reservoir water.

Foliar spray:

Mix 1/4 oz. with one (1) gallon of water. Spray as a fine mist until it drips off the plant surfaces.


Ensure bag is properly sealed and stored in cool, dry, dark place.

Additional information

Weight N/A

4 reviews for Liquid Kelp Extract

  1. David

    Excellent product! Lasts a long time because it is very concentrated. Great quality and a price that can’t be beat!

  2. Derrick

    I use this in my compost tea. I like it a lot and it seems to last for a very long time.

  3. Thomas

    I absolutely do not believe in miracle products, but this comes as close as it gets. A very important item that is not mentioned is that you do not use a whole lot each time you spray (I use a three-gallon backpack sprayer) and this item only has a three-month shelf life. I did not know and bought way too much. I donated an extra gallon to my local rhodie society, and they were very pleased.

    Another item is that this does wonderfully on virtually any plant, but for some reason two of my rhodies hated it. All of the others went crazy, as did the fruit trees, shade trees, ornamental plantings…. A final note is that you might want to avoid late fall spraying. I sprayed everything in September and even though we have had an ice storm and two bouts down to 25 degrees, as soon as any warmth comes around everything springs into bud and is ready to go, in spite of just having entered December.

    Absolutely fantastic product (be sure to spray the underside of the leaves as well) but if you don’t spray once-a-week and expect to use a lot in a short time get the powder and mix your own when you need it.

  4. Rodney Stoops

    Good price and amazing results. Works with plant feeding and if added to your composing tea it’s like magic. It’s like the plant almost double over night. Unreal product and a must have if you grow to live.

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