Touch the Soil News #1831 (Feature Photo – Victory Garden Consciousness– Public Domain) https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19556421 When an emerging phenomenon takes on the stature of a Mega Trend, there are generally multiple drivers (reasons) for something gaining in stature in our cultures. The grow-your-own food concept has gained stature for a variety of reasons. Let’s list 10 them and see what you think.
- Control what you eat by controlling its production.
- Access to food that is absent chemical footprints.
- Geopolitical volatility that impacts food imports and exports.
- Kinks in the supply chain that make grocery stores less reliable than in the past.
- Food inflationary prices that tip the scales in favor of home gardens.
- Social and political movements that seek to absolve hunger.
- The low ebb of diversity in mono-culture food crops that define our diets.
- Growing condition volatility for the world’s mega-farms.
- The high concentration of processed foods in diets.
- Droughts and Floods that can impact global agricultural production
What else would you add to the list? Other issues include growing population concentrations in cities, fueling a return-to-nature culture and a food closer-to-home consciousness.