Touch the Soil News #1966 (Photo – Waterloo Community Garden – Courtesy of Waterloo District)
The Waterloo region in Ontario Canada is home to almost 600,000 people and is surrounded by rural areas. Nearby, farmers have created a 10 acre gardening area and rented the land to about 15 groups and individuals for growing food.
In the nearby Waterloo metro area, the Waterloo Region Community Garden Network assists almost 100 community gardens with over 1,500 patrons. The kicker is that they have a waiting list of over 1,000.
The story is carried in the NewHamburgIndependent news portal. If you own some land and can’t farm it all, or want to create spaces for people wanting land at a price, there may be a new business model somewhere in this story. https://www.newhamburgindependent.ca/news/10-acre-community-garden-in-rural-waterloo-region-sprouts-up-to-combat-food-insecurity/article_8585ad10-9030-57ee-9f4a-89d2407c7b03.html