Should Governments Protect Citizens from the Effects of Climate Change?

Positive Future #666 (Feature photo – Dutch Citizens Celebrate Legal Victory on Climate Change – courtesy of BrightVibes brings us the story of how the Supreme Court of the Netherlands ruled that government must protect citizens from climate change. The Netherlands (often called Holland) is a nation of 17.5 million people in Europe and…

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Deteriorating Trust of Big Oil

Positive Future #638 (Feature photo – Typhoon Haiyan Destruction – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic, Trocaire) CleanTechnica journalist Steve Hanley uncovers a rather disconcerting study. The Philippine Commission on Human Rights did a study on those responsible for climate change and the devastation wrought on the country by Tyhpoon Haiyan. Typhoon Haiyan was the deadliest…

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Will Climate Change Push Humanity into Working Together?

Positive Future #534 (Feature photo – Human Activities Drive Climate Change – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 1.0 Generic license.) The United Nations just released a report on how climate change is putting unprecedented risks to our ability to feed ourselves. Recommendations include commitments to sustainable use of farmland. At issue is that people have affected…

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United Kingdom (Great Britain) Parliament Declares Climate Emergency

Positive Future #461 (Feature photo – Extinction Rebellion Poster – CCA 2.0 Generic) The words and phrases surrounding climate change have recently become more focused and urgent. A new concept is Extinction Rebellion. Extinction Rebellion began in 2018 in Great Britain. The British Members of Parliament recently declare climate as a national emergency. One must…

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